Nonverbal communication is information that is communication that is communicated without words and is a lot of it is unintentional. Nonverbal communication (NVC) between people is communication through sending and receiving wordless cues.
Here is the quick question for you and please do participate:
Non verbal communication is categories Vocal and Facial.
Vocal: Fifty five percent of the meaning of any message is through Vocal.
It includes tone, pitch, rate and pace.
Facial: Thirty eight of the message of any message is through Facial Expression.
It includes Gestures, posture and facial expression.
So, according to APA numbers and other researchers, Ninety three percent message is conveyed Non-verbally. So, this is the correct answer for the above poll.
Elements of Non-Verbal communication
- Facial Expressions.
- Gestures.
- Paralinguistics.
- Posture.
- Eye Gaze.
- Appearance.
Importance of NVM in Business
- It is of great importance to demonstrate right body language in a business organization so as to create a good impression on your superiors, sub-ordinates or colleagues.
- Maintaining right body posture in business meetings, seminars, conference and business presentation, you can not only create your good image in the people around you but also you can succeed in your tasks effectively.
- It also help in creating your own value in an organisation.
Here is the video which will put some light on NVM in Business:
I would like share one of the saying 'said of anonymous'.
Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become action.
Watch your action, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it become your destiny.
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